web development. is what we do.
"While you prepare the database dump, I would debug the remaining errors in the JavaScript and then do some CSS fine-tuning. We should definitely check the SEO parameters before going live, before the Google crawler protests here. I'm going to get myself another Mate-Drink."
Well, got it? Don't worry, neither do we. Well, at least we designers don't. Our developers obviously do, because that's where we picked up all this normal everyday conversation.
In these days of DIY website building kits, it seems obvious that "you can try it yourself" and "you don't need an agency for that after all." However, in our experience, there are a few hiccups with this thinking: building kits also take time, and your valuable time at that. They are very rudimentary and all look the same on the outside. And: As soon as real problems arise, you don't have a developer and partner at your side, whom you can "give a quick call".
The hippe agency is happy to help out. Beautiful and individual websites do not have to be expensive. Especially not if you know what you are doing. ;)
Our developers know what they're doing: whether it's server relocations, database adjustments, back-end and front-end programming and much, much more. From websites as "digital business cards" to large online stores - we can do it! That's what we stand for with our 'hip' name.